Success Story

I divide my life into two phases, one is Pre-IMC and the other is Post-IMC. Before joining IMC, I was without any conveyance, just imagine, I could not afford buying a bicycle. Not to talk of furniture items, even I did not have any chair. For me, the person having furniture at his home was a rich fellow, I came to know about IMC at a social media platform, probably it was Facebook. At a glance, the uniqueness of IMC Business became clear to me but I was unable to understand how to join it. On sharing the matter with a friend, he instantly gave me contact details of Shri Manoj Kumar Singh Ji, an IMC leader. Happy moments were awaiting me. I joined IMC and achieved Chairman Level within 13 months. The inspirational words of Dr Ashok Bhatia Ji and Shri Satyan Bhatia Ji encouraged & motivated me a lot. As on date, I am Crown President Star Associate. The person like me who did not have cycle is blessed with two cars, a well-furnished home and other luxuries for living a comfortable life. Sometimes, I feel that IMC made me reincarnated in the same birth.
Message For Team
I appeal not only to my team but also to the whole nation that at the time of any disappointment or distress, do watch IMC motivational videos, get motivated and start doing IMC Business to keep the sorrows of life at a bay.